Dorodne czereśnie z drzewek z Zasowa

Cherry tree belongs to the family of Rosaceae plants. It appears in Europe, Western Asia and Caucasia. In Poland it grows all over the country and also is tended as a fruit tree in orchards and gardens.

Cherry tree belongs to the family of Rosaceae plants. It appears in Europe, Western Asia and Caucasia. In Poland it grows all over the country and also is tended as a fruit tree in orchards and gardens.

Fruit of cherry trees are called ‘cherries’ and are round minute stone fruits in mostly red hue. However, there are cultivars which are yellow or even black. Cherries have positive effects for heart and thyroid. This does not end the advantages of this fruit. Cherries, as similar to sour cherries, regulate the level of cholesterol in blood. They also enhance the condition of skin and slow down the aging process. Cherries are eagerly used as an addition to ice cream and salads. What is more, jams, mousses and preserves are often made from this fruit.

Cultivated cherry trees are cross-pollinators. It is best to cultivate them in dry and warm climate. They have great requirements for types of soil – it should be fertile, airy and warm of dusty and brown character. Heavy and moist soils should not be used. What is more, cherry trees do not tolerate frost.

The most popular cultivars of cherry trees are: Burlat, Prunus avium, Sylvia, Kordia, Lapins, Sam, Regina, Rivan, Summit, Sam and Vega

We invite you to purchase cherry trees in the village of Zasów from Fruit Trees and Bushes Nursery “Paweł Ryczek”. The actual offer of trees, breeds and cultivars we produce is available by phone on +48 14 68 25 001 or +48 507 447 095.